essential oils and body oil

Living in big cities can be exciting, but it also comes with stress. The fast pace, the noise, the pollution, and the busy schedule can take a toll on your physical and mental health. Various problems start to emerge, caused by city life, such as brain fog, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, headaches, and more. One of the most natural ways to relax and recharge is by using essential oils. Rosemary, for example, is a natural warrior against brain fog and mental fatigue; promotes concentration while Grapefruit essential oil is known for its mood enhancing effect, bestow motivation and vitality. Here are our new essential oil formulas to fight city life stress and improve your wellness:



relaxing coffee


Expertly crafted to transport you to a state of tranquillity and rejuvenation. This aromatic blend combines the soothing properties of Cedarwood, the uplifting essence of Grapefruit, and the elegant fragrance of Rose Bulgarian, all harmoniously blended to create a truly captivating experience. Perfect for unwinding after a long day or creating a serene ambiance for a massage session.

Cedarwood's therapeutic properties help alleviate stress, anxiety, and tension, promoting a sense of inner peace. Grapefruit promotes a positive mood and energises your body and mind. The delicate and sensual scent of Rose Bulgarian creates an atmosphere of calmness and emotional balance.


Suggested Base:

100ml Sweet Almond Oil

Essential Oils: 

3 drops Cedarwood


4 drops Grapefruit 


10 drops Rose Bulgarian


Massage onto feet and chest at bedtime



This unique essential oil blend combines the harmonious scents of bergamot, neroli, clary sage, and sandalwood, synergistically working together to help alleviate stress and create a beautifully balanced synergy that harmonises the senses and promotes a state of deep relaxation.

With the uplifting and citrusy aroma, Bergamot helps to uplift your mood and reduce feelings of anxiety. Neroli’s calming properties help to soothe the nerves, easing emotional tension and promoting a tranquil state of mind. Clary sage is renowned for its stress-relieving and mood-balancing effects. Sandalwood helps to quiet the mind, ease anxiety, and foster a deep sense of peace.


Suggested Base:

100ml Sweet Almond Oil

Essential Oils: 

5 drops Bergamot


5 drops Neroli 


5 drops Clary Sage


10 drops Sandalwood


Use as a body oil; massage on the chest, legs and abdominal area


sunny day in the fields

beautiful sunset by the sea


Crafted specifically to promote emotional well-being and combat depression. This combination of pure essential oils features the harmonious notes of bergamot, neroli, frankincense, and clary sage, working together synergistically to uplift your spirits and restore inner balance. The blend offers a fragrant sanctuary to uplift your spirits and bring forth a renewed sense of joy and well-being.

Bergamot is known for its mood-enhancing properties. It can help alleviate feelings of sadness and anxiety while promoting a sense of calm and relaxation. Neroli exudes a delicate and floral scent that aids in relieving stress and uplifting the mood. Frankincense can help alleviate feelings of sadness, anxiety, and grief, encouraging a sense of peace and emotional stability. Clary sage can help reduce stress, promote relaxation, and enhance mental clarity.


Suggested Base:

100ml Sweet Almond Oil

Essential Oils: 

5 drops Bergamot


5 drops Neroli 


5 drops Frankincense


10 drops Clary Sage



Enriched with a harmonious fusion of ylang ylang, lavender, orange, and sandalwood, this aromatic blend offers a luxurious and pampering experience for your tresses. The blend is specially formulated to nourish and rejuvenate dry hair. These carefully selected essential oils work in synergy to deeply nourish, hydrate, and restore dry hair, transforming it into lustrous, silky strands.

Ylang ylang helps balance oil production, promoting healthier and more manageable hair. Lavender aids in calming an irritated scalp while promoting hair growth. The uplifting citrus notes of orange revitalise dull hair, leaving it with a radiant and glossy appearance. Lastly, the warm and woody aroma of sandalwood adds a touch of luxury while deeply moisturising and softening your hair.


Suggested Base:

50ml Sweet Almond Oil

Essential Oils: 

2 drops Ylang Ylang


4 drops Lavender Fine


4 drops Orange


4 drops Sandalwood


Apply onto hair as an overnight hair mask. It can be applied directly to the tip of your hair to add natural moisturising protection.


self care combining hair

plant sprout


Crafted with utmost care to fortify and strengthen your body's natural defence system. A harmonious synergy of lavender, lemon, and orange, this exquisite blend combines the finest quality essential oils known for their remarkable immune-enhancing properties, carefully curated to support your body in its quest for optimal health and resilience.

Lavender has potent antibacterial and antiviral properties that help shield your immune system from potential threats, while simultaneously reducing stress and supporting overall well-being. Lemon oil acts as a formidable antioxidant to combat free radicals and strengthen immune responses, where orange oil stimulates both the immune and lymphatic systems, promoting optimal health and vitality.


Suggested Base:

100ml Sweet Almond Oil

Essential Oils: 

5 drops Lemon


5 drops Lavender Fine


10 drops Orange

*Suitable to be used for adults and children aged 6 or above.



An invigorating essential oil blend designed to provide natural relief from constipation, the carefully crafted blend combines the refreshing citrus notes of orange with the warming and stimulating properties of ginger, creating a synergy that can help ease digestive discomfort. When applied topically during a gentle massage, the aromatic molecules of these oils are absorbed into the skin, promoting relaxation and stimulating healthy digestion.

Orange essential oil possesses powerful digestive and calming properties. It can help stimulate the movement of the intestines. Ginger essential oil helps relax the intestinal muscles, allowing for smoother and more regular bowel movements.


Suggested Base:

100ml Sweet Almond Oil

Essential Oils: 

10 drops Ginger


10 drops Orange


Massage clockwise; add pressure from left to right

Tips: You can also add 3 drops of sweet orange and ginger each into 1L of hot water and soak a towel in it; squeeze the excess water out. Put the hot towel onto the abdominal area as a hot press.

women massaging stomache




A kind reminder when using essential oils:

  • Do not use undiluted oil internally

  • Avoid contact with mucous membranes and eyes

  • Only apply to the skin in diluted form

  • In case of sensitive skin, a crook of arm test may be necessary

  • Store essential oils in a cool, dark place

  • Store essential oils from coniferous trees & citrus fruits below 20 °C

  • Keep out of reach of children

  • Too little is better than too much